How to use Supervalem in your investments

In the following, I will describe two ways to use Supervalem to build your investment portfolio.

Supervalem ranks the companies on the Baltic Stock Exchange according to the Magic Formula score to form a ranking list. This means that the companies at the top of the table are good and their shares are cheap. By buying shares of companies in the top three to top five in equal proportions each month, a sufficiently diversified portfolio of good companies can be created. If a company in the portfolio falls out of the top three to top five, you should hold the shares of that company for at least a year, and only then sell and buy the shares of the top three to top five again in equal proportions. Such an approach requires little time investment on the part of the investor and can therefore be described as a passive investment strategy.

If an investor wants to make the most of all the bargains that will come along over time, the investment strategy will need to be adjusted slightly. Equal weightings of shares in companies in the top three or top five should also be bought on a monthly basis. In addition, you should check every week whether the stocks in your portfolio are still in the top three or top five of the Supervalem Baltic equity table. If a stock has fallen out of the top, sell it and buy shares of the company that has risen to replace it, rebalancing the portfolio if necessary so that all stocks are equally weighted. This investment strategy requires a somewhat greater investment of time and more active portfolio management by the investor, and could therefore be referred to as an active investment strategy.

To see which strategy is more successful, we made two test portfolios for Supervalem - Passive and Active. From now on, we will periodically update you on the results of the portfolios. The first shares were acquired in February 2022 and in March we will do a first review of the test portfolios.

I hope the above description has given you some clarity on how to use the Supervalem!

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